First Hungarian Conference on Fluency Disorders

2020. június 15. - 2020. június 17.
Budapest, Hungary
2020. június 15. - 2020. június 17.
Budapest, Hungary
Due to the COVID-19 we have decided to postpone the conference to a further date. The new date will be announced in due time.
The Department of Applied Linguistics and Phonetics at the ELTE Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary) invites you to attend the First Hungarian Conference on Fluency Disorders, to be held June 15-17, 2020. This conference will commemorate 120 years since the courses in stuttering and cluttering were commenced at the university by the renown professor, Dr. Artur Sarbo. Workshops will be conducted by Dr. Isabella Reichel, USA, on stuttering June 15th, and on cluttering June 16th. Participants from Hungary and other countries will be invited to submit their papers for short presentations and poster sessions on topics in fluency disorders for a program to take place on June 17th.
The event aims to bring together researchers, clinicians, and graduate students to share current research on stuttering and cluttering, and to provide an opportunity for participants from diverse backgrounds to present their theoretical views and evidence-based practices for best treatments, as well as to identify future directions for scholarly and clinical collaborations.
We invite abstracts for oral or poster presentations at the Conference. Abstracts should not exceed one page, 12 point single-spaced, with an optional additional page for references and data. Submissions should be sent to the following e-mail address: hunfluencydisorders@gmail.com. Submissions of proposals contributing to stuttering and cluttering assessment and treatment, including clients’ personal experiences, education, training, and service provision, are strongly encouraged. The presentations are to be of 15 minutes in duration. Instructions for the proceedings are to follow.
Key dates:
30 April 2020 Abstract submission deadline
16 May 2020 Accept/Reject notification
30 May 2020 Registration deadline
30 May 2020 Submission of the papers for the proceedings
For further information, please contact hunfluencydisorders@gmail.com, bona.judit@btk.elte.hu